
WCS (Warehouse Control System) Interfacing with Customers’ WMS (Warehouse Management System)

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WCS (Warehouse control system) orchestrates material flow within an automated fulfilment or distribution centre. At its core it effectively coordinates a number of automation and robotic components to maintain overall system throughput.

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It allows the isolation of the WMS from the complexities of any new MHE integration, saving on costs and minimizing disruption to a live site.

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WCS supports the complete spectrum of automation and robotic integration complexity, from the simplest conveyor based mechanization system through to the most elaborate automation solution incorporating automated receiving, storage, picking, sortation and loading subsystems.

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Through its component based engineering methodology the WCS can be easily tailored to deliver a solution that best fits into your functional and performance requirements and your existing IT archetecture.

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WMS (Warehoust Management System) provides a flexible, comprehensive, and efficient warehouse management system for warehousing and distribution centre operations.

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It integrates planning, operations, people and equipment to provide unprecedented levels of flexibility, labour efficiency and fulfilment accuracy via a variaty of enabling technologies ranging from data analytics and machine learning to robotic automation.

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Our adaptive priority driven schedular enables a continuous flow through all areas of the warehouse, maximizing throughput and asset utilization. Workloads are dynamically balanced to make best use of available resources, and lead to predictable flows that aids workforce management.

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Our adaptive priority driven schedular enables a continuous flow through all areas of the warehouse, maximizing throughput and asset utilization. Workloads are dynamically balanced to make best use of available resources, and lead to predictable flows that aids workforce management.